Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot dog, now speaks using ChatGPT

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Inspenet, May 4, 2023

Embedded with artificial intelligence, Spot can answer questions about his battery levels, details of his mission, or just nod and shake his head. A team of programmers incorporated Boston Dynamics ‘ robotic dog Spot, OpenAI’s ChatGPT , and Google’s Text-to-Speech voice modulation.

Santiago Valdarrama, a machine learning engineer, tweeted a video of the result, in which Spot is seen answering questions about his battery levels, his mission details, or simply nodding and shaking his head.

1758 perro spot Boston Dynamics hablar chatgpt 1
Spot, the Boston Dynamics robot dog, now speaks using ChatGPT

Boston Dynamics integrates Artificial Intelligence into its robots

This isn’t the first time Boston Dynamics has integrated AI into its machines, but only recent developments using ChatGPT and Google’s text-to-speech technologies have allowed robots to finally communicate verbally.

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“ChatGPT interprets the question, parses the files, and formulates the answer,” Valdarrama explained.

This integration has various practical applications. Spot is used for daily missions, collecting a large amount of data that can be difficult to sort through and translate into useful information.

By incorporating ChatGPT, the robot can respond directly to programmed commands in real time, enabling fast and accurate data analysis.

Although the use of AI in robotics has cleared the way for important advances, it has also raised ethical concerns about the potential loss of human jobs.

To address these concerns, regulations are being developed in several countries.

Source :

Photo : Boston Dynamics / ScreenshotTwitter @svpino

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