South Korean freighter sank off the coast of Japan

Isbel Lazaro, March 24, 2024. The South Korean Foreign Ministry confirmed that the number of deceased sailors belonging to the Keoyoung Sun, the South Korean freighter that sank off the coast of Japan, had risen to 9.
Carguero surcoreano se hundió en la costa de Japón

The South Korean Foreign Ministry confirmed that the number of deceased sailors belonging to the Keoyoung Sun, the South Korean freighter that sank off the coast of Japan, had risen to 9. This incident occurred in Japanese territorial waters and the vessel had a crew of 11 people on board.

Immediately after the incident, rescue operations carried out by the Japan Coast Guard saved nine crew members, although unfortunately seven of them no longer showed vital signs.

As search and rescue operations progressed, two more were added to the death toll, leaving one crewmember still missing and unaccounted for.

Why did the South Korean freighter sink?

The incident occurred off the coast of Yamaguchi Prefecture in western Japan. The Keoyoung Sun was at anchor, facing adverse weather conditions when it issued a distress call on the morning of Wednesday, March 20, reporting a dangerous tilt of the vessel.

On board the Keoyoung Sun were 980 tons of acrylic acid, a chemical compound used mainly in the production of resins and plastics. So far, no incidents of spills of this substance into the sea have been reported. of spills of this substance into the sea .

The sinking of the Keoyoung Sun highlights the critical importance of safety and prevention measures in the maritime industry, especially under unfavorable weather conditions. This tragic event underscores the need to review and strengthen safety and emergency response protocols on the high seas to protect not only crews but also the marine environment from potential chemical contamination.

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Photo: shutterstock