French floating solar power project advances to next phase

Isbel Lázaro.
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proyecto de energía solar flotante

Ciel & Terre has completed the anchoring phase and is in the process of assembling the floating system for the Saint Savin floating solar power project in Isère, France. This 11 MWp project, developed by Énerg’isère y EGREGA in a quarry, marks a significant breakthrough in the renewable energy sector.

Progress on the Saint Savin floating solar power project

The team is making progress on the project, and Ciel & Terre has announced that, having completed the anchoring phase, they are now assembling the floating system.

This is the first project in France to use the latest version of our floating solar technology, which facilitates the operation and management of the electrical equipment, among other things. It is compatible with almost all photovoltaic modules on the market and is highly modular, offering a wide range of configurations to suit each project and its performance requirements.“, said Ciel & Terre.

In January, Ciel & Terre began construction of this 11 MW project, which will transform a quarry lake into a renewable energy center. Once completed, the project will resemble a solitary island in the middle of the lake.

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Notably, the Isère power plant project is part of a broader Ciel & Terre initiative to develop 100 MWp of floating solar power in Europe.

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