Construction begins on floating hybrid solar and wind farm in Italy

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parque híbrido flotante de energía solar y eólica

This is a project in the Ionian Sea, in southern Italy, where construction phases will begin on a floating hybrid farm that will combine solar and wind power generation, with a total capacity of 540 MW.

The Corigliano project, located specifically in the Gulf of Taranto, off the Calabrian coast of Corigliano-Rossano, is the result of the collaboration between the company SolarDuck based on Dutch-Norwegian offshore expertise, the Italian investment fund Arrow Capital and the Italian developer New Developments.

Technical aspects of the solar project

The company, created by de Damen Shipyardshas applied its vast experience in the marine industry to the design of innovative floating solar platforms. These structures, elevated three meters above the surface of the water, effectively cope with waves and minimize salt buildup on the solar panels, creating an ingenious solution to maximize efficiency and durability.

These floating platforms also have a triangular and modular design, which facilitates their assembly to form large energy installations. This aspect allows for flexibility and scalability of the solar project. In addition, they are equipped with anti-slip walkways and fences, ensuring safe and efficient maintenance.

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Potential in solar and wind energy

The generation capacity of the hybrid farm will boast 420 MW from offshore wind energy. offshore wind energy and 120 MW of floating solar power. The farm will include 28 floating wind turbines, although specific details on its development are still pending confirmation.

The innovative Corigliano project is expected to start operations in 2028, marking an important milestone in the trajectory of renewable energies in Italy and Europe. The implementation of this project symbolizes a significant step forward towards a sustainable energy transition.

SolarDuck is not holding back in its efforts to advance renewable energy technology, as it implements a pilot project together with the multinational company RWE in the North Sea, which aims to evaluate the feasibility and efficiency of these installations in maritime conditions. In addition, the company was able to secure €15 million in financing in December for the installation of the first floating offshore wind farm in Japan.

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Source: SolarDuck

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