The green revolution of maritime transport: Why data and technology are key to comply with the new regulations

Inspenet, April 3, 2023 In 2023, two of the most famous regulations in the maritime sector entered into force. The Energy Efficiency Index of Existing Ships (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (ICI), promoted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), are already in force and apply to all ships of more than 400 tons of tonnage gross (GT).

Inspenet, April 3, 2023

In 2023, two of the most famous regulations in the maritime sector entered into force. The Energy Efficiency Index of Existing Ships (EEXI) and the Carbon Intensity Indicator (ICI), promoted by the International Maritime Organization (IMO), are already in force and apply to all ships of more than 400 tons of tonnage gross (GT).

As part of the IMO’s strategy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, the EEXI and the ICI intend to promote technical and operational improvements of ships with the aim of improving their energy efficiency and, in the long term, leading to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions across the sector.

With the new regulation aiming to reduce the sector’s carbon emissions by nearly 50% in less than a decade, and to 50% GHG and 70% CO2 by 2050 (compared to 2008), the maritime sector has a big challenge ahead!

New regulations, new risks

Risk can no longer be assessed solely through a physical inspection of the ship prior to voyage. As the maritime industry evolves, so must the systems and processes they use to perform a holistic assessment of the ship’s condition and condition. Effective risk management can only be achieved by embracing data and applying technology to turn it into actionable information.

Thanks to the pioneering thinking that underlies Marine Assurance’s practices, charterers and energy companies can now stay ahead of the game with innovative data and tailored solutions to ensure regulatory compliance while meeting their own goals.

Innovative data solutions

MIS Marine has developed the Environmental Marine Index Tool (EMIT) as part of its Mainstay offering. The EMIT value, a digital twin of the EEXI, is calculated across multiple scenarios, allowing for a more universal and accurate indicator of environmental performance, while providing a better value against which to compare ships. Similarly, our Carbon Intensity Model (MIC) score provides a more intuitive and applicable classification system. Based on specific data sources and a cross-analysis with operational information from tidal, meteorological and geospatial data sources, the MIC calculates the value of carbon intensity (based on the Annual Efficiency Ratio methodology) for a certain trip or period of time.

EMIT and MIC solutions provide insight into a ship’s environmental history, providing data that can be used to monitor fleet performance or predict the consequences of future actions, thus helping users achieve their environmental goals.

Visit the Mainstay Suite to learn more about the latest Marine Assurance technology now available to support your risk assessment and decision-making processes.

Source and Photo : MIS Marine

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