Seville airport planes will use biofuel produced from olive pits

By: Inspenet, November 28, 2022. Spanish energy company Cepsa has announced that planes at Seville airport will use a promising fuel produced from olive pits, in an important step towards decarbonising air transport and transforming the energy sector.
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By : Inspenet, Nov 28, 2022

Spanish energy company Cepsa has announced that planes at Seville airport will use a promising fuel produced from olive pits, in an important step towards decarbonising air transport and transforming the energy sector.

“This initiative will avoid the emission of more than 200 tons of CO 2 , the equivalent of planting more than 2,500 trees,” says the company, arguing that the new proposal could revolutionize the energy industry and sustainable mobility in Spain and Portugal. .

The new fuel, called sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), was produced in the La Rábida Energy Park, in the Andalusian province of Huelva, and has been created from olive pits and other vegetable waste. of the olive sector in Spain. The SAF will be used on 220 flights by the companies Air Europa, Air Nostrum, Iberia Express, Ryanair, Vueling and Wizz Air, which will depart from the Seville airport next week.

With the implementation of this green fuel, developed within the framework of the ‘Positive Motion’ sustainable mobility strategy, the Spanish company aims to reduce its CO 2 emissions by 55% by 2030 and reach 0% by 2050. Thus, Cepsa would position Spain as a pioneer in the fight against climate change.

“Seville is once again a benchmark in innovation, research and the fight against climate change,” said the mayor of the Andalusian capital, Antonio Muñoz. “It will be the first time that an airport in southern Europe uses this technology, something that undoubtedly repositions Seville internationally,” he added.

The new biofuel could also be part of the solution to the current energy crisis that Europe is suffering due to the strong increases in the prices of hydrocarbons after the sanctions imposed against Russia due to the conflict in Ukraine.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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