Serbia discovers one of the largest gold deposits in the world

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Inspenet, January 26, 2023

The Government of Serbia announced the discovery on its territory of one of the largest gold deposits on the planet.

The president of the European country, Aleksandar Vucic, announced the discovery, although he did not specify the exact location of the deposit, which would rank among one of the 100 richest in the world, according to local media.

“When it is known where it is located, the prices of everything will rise,” warned the Serbian president.

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Last week the Serbian government had announced the discovery of another settlement of the precious metal, near the city of Zagubica, however, the new deposit contains even more gold.

“Preliminary results of tests with technology showed that concentrated gold with a purity greater than 93% can be produced,” said the head of the Ministry of Mines and Energy, Dubravka Djedovic, on January 20, about the deposit found in the vicinity of Zagubica.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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