Sensorlink stood out as a technology leader at LatinCORR & InterCorr 2023

Isbel Lázaro.
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Inspenet, November 8, 2023.

At the LatinCORR & InterCorr 2023 Conference, held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Sensorlink , a Norwegian company specialized in corrosion monitoring technology, was present. During an exclusive interview with Inspenet, Kjell Wold, its Business Development Director, shared his experience and vision for the company.

Sensorlink took the opportunity to connect with experts in the field of integrity and corrosion in the marine business and Wold highlighted that the conference has been an excellent platform to interact with colleagues and discuss solutions and technologies with both new and well-known professionals in the field of corrosion.

We meet new and old friends. We can discuss solutions and technologies with them

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Regarding the products and services that Sensorlink has brought to the event, the company representative highlighted that it specializes in the non-intrusive monitoring of internal corrosion in pipes, vessels and more, using advanced technology that provides industries with the ability to effectively manage and prevent corrosion, ensuring the integrity of their assets.

We use high-precision ultrasonic technology.

Regarding the company’s expectations for the year 2024, Kjell Wold expressed his desire to expand the business both in Brazil and globally. Sensorlink is in an initial phase of introduction into the Brazilian market and aims to initiate smaller projects and, as the value of its technology is demonstrated, expand significantly in Brazil and other regions.

We hope to expand our business both in Brazil and globally .”

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