Senators propose to create an organization that promotes lithium mining in Mexico

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 28, 2022. Mexican senators presented a motion to establish a government body to promote the development of the state lithium industry.
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 28, 2022

Mexican senators presented a motion to establish a government body to promote the development of the state lithium industry.

Mexico nationalized lithium and created the state company LitioMx to manage the exploration, production, processing and use of metal for batteries with the aim of ensuring benefits for the population.

It is expected that as the manufacture of electric vehicles increases in the coming years, the demand for lithium would also increase.

The new proposal, from five senators from the leftist Labor Party, an ally of the ruling Morena party, promotes the establishment of a council for the promotion and development of the national lithium industry.

The council will be made up of the heads of six government ministries (Government, Energy, Economy and Environment, among others), in addition to the Mexican Geological Service, the National Council for Science and Technology and LitioMx.

The body will have the task of generating policies for the coordination and exchange of information between public agencies with the aim of developing lithium supply chains and technological advances in the state lithium industry. It will also formulate the goals and strategy related to the extraction, processing and utilization of the metal.

The motion was sent to the commission for mining and regional development and for legislative studies.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.


Photo: ShutterStock

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