SEAVOLT is the new offshore floating photovoltaic technology

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Inspenet, March 14, 2023

Belgian partners Tractebel, DEME and Jan De Nul present SEAVOLT©, a new offshore floating photovoltaic (PV) technology. This technology is the result of joint research and development, combining the expertise of solar, environmental and offshore energy experts.

SEAVOLT technology (patent pending) can withstand harsh offshore conditions while creating large surfaces that are protected from waves. The modular design allows easy adaptation to different sites and demands. Benefits include local renewable energy production and the ability to install the panels on offshore wind farms (where local authorities allow multi-use concessions). Another advantage is the addition of large volumes of renewable energy capacity in a relatively short time.

The partners, together with the University of Ghent, started the research project MPVAQUA (Marine Photovoltaic Aquaculture) funded by VLAIO (the Flemish government’s Agency for Innovation and Entrepreneurship) under the Blue Cluster four years ago. A marine float concept was developed along with initial research on the effects on the marine ecosystem, integration of aquaculture and a financial assessment.

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Following laboratory tests, the partners are currently developing an offshore test facility to be launched off the Belgian coast in summer 2023. In addition, parallel tracks focused on the ecosystem, environment and profitability are being launched with the support of the Energy Transition Fund. and the Federal Relaunch Fund.

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Photo: Seavolt

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