Sci Aps stood out with innovative analyzers at the API Summit 2024

Isbel Lázaro.
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Cumbre API 2024

Sci Aps: featured participant at the API Summit 2024

Within the framework of the API 2024 Summit in San Antonio, Inspenet had the privilege of interviewing Richie Epperson, representative of Sci Aps; leading company in the revolution of PMI analyzers.

The aforementioned company, pioneer in the creation of the first portable LIBS analyzer in 2013, presented its third generation of LIBS analyzers , highlighting its capacity for carbon content analysis, crucial for the industry.

Sci Aps created the first portable LIBS analyzer that could do carbon content analysis. This was in 2013, 2014 and we are now on our third generation of LIBS analyzers“.

The company’s analyzers have evolved significantly over this decade, now being smaller and completely wireless . Powered by Android and open source, they offer customization and precision. Integrating XRF technology for HF alkyd and residue testing, along with LIBS, cover all alloy testing needs.

API Summit 2024
Richie Epperson explains how his analyzers work to the Inspenet team

In a quick demonstration, Richie presented the LIBS carbon analyzer, highlighting its ability to create a plasma on the surface of the material using a laser, allowing for carbon content analysis. Data can be easily exported in Excel PDF or CSV formats via Bluetooth, wireless connection, USB or cloud function.

We also have a cloud function that can be used to generate reports .”

As for the prices of the analyzers, they range between $32,500 and $45,000 .

Finally, Epperson thanked him for the pleasant moment with the Inspenet team and expressed his enthusiasm for participating in the API Summit 2024 and sharing Sci Aps innovations with the entire community.

Enjoy the full interview here and don’t miss any detail.

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Source and photos: Inspenet

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