Samsung Heavy Industries signs agreement to build 15 LNG carriers

Isbel Lázaro.
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Million-dollar deal for LNG carriers

Samsung Heavy Industries has closed a landmark deal valued at 4.57 trillion South Korean won with a Middle Eastern shipping company for the construction of 15 liquefied natural gas (LNG) carrierseach one with a capacity of 170,400 m3 of water, each one with a capacity of 170,400 m3.3scheduled for delivery in October 2028.

This contract sets a new record for the company, surpassing its previous high of 3.95 trillion won when it signed a contract for the construction of 16 methanol-powered container ships in July of the previous year.

A little more than a month into the year, Samsung Heavy Industries has won contracts for the construction of 17 vessels, reaching a cumulative value of US$3.7 billion, almost half of the US$8.3 billion obtained during the past year.

Particularly noteworthy in its order book is the inclusion of 90 high-value LNG carriers, underlining the company’s leading position in the high-end shipbuilding market.

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