RWE builds new control centre for offshore wind farms in East Frisia

The company is seeking certification under the "Sustainable Construction Quality Seal" of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction.
El nuevo centro de control de parques eólicos marinos de RWE en Frisia Oriental

A new office building is being built in the East Frisian municipality of Jemgum to serve as the control centre for RWE ‘s offshore wind farms in Germany and continental Europe. The centre will be built by Real Immobilien GmbH on an area of approximately 4,700 square metres and will enable 24-hour monitoring and control of these facilities.

The new control centre for offshore wind farms

Preparatory work on the construction began with a symbolic groundbreaking ceremony. With the relevant approval, construction is expected to start in the coming weeks and the building is expected to be completed by autumn. The interior work and the necessary technical equipment for the control room will then be carried out, with the aim of the new centre being operational in spring 2026.

According to Jenny Daun, First Councillor of the Leer district, this project underlines the attractiveness of the district as a location for setting up companies related to the energy transition. The Mayor of the municipality of Jemgum, Hans-Peter Heikens, added that this project clearly demonstrates the excellent conditions that the region offers for companies in the field of renewable energies.

The two-storey building will meet the highest sustainability standards, using recycled materials and renewable energy for electricity and heat supply. It will also feature water-saving measures, seeking certification according to the ” Sustainable Construction Quality Seal ” of the Federal Ministry of Housing, Urban Development and Construction.

Real-Immobilien owner Dieter Baumann emphasised that the project is an example of sustainable construction and that they are aiming to achieve QNG certification . In the first step, the building will provide a new workplace for around 50 RWE employees, with modern offices, meeting rooms, a control room and break areas.

We are delighted to have found our new home here in Jemgum. With this new building we will offer our employees a modern and optimal working environment. But not only our existing operations team will feel at home here. We want to continue to grow and are looking for qualified personnel, especially here in the region. “.

Derk Niklas Janssen, future RWE plant operations manager at this plant.

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Source and photos: RWE