Geology robots? Company financed by Bill Gates is creating them

Inspenet, August 12, 2023. Bill Gates-owned company BEV has provided generous funding to mining technology startup GeologicAl. Gates has a genuine interest in promoting the development of robotics applied to geological activities and it seems that GeologicAl has the solution to fulfill this purpose.
robots geólogos

Inspenet, August 12, 2023.

Bill Gates has expressed the need for geological robots to facilitate the search for resources below the ground.

Recently, his company Breakthrough Energy Ventures (BEV) has provided generous funding to a mining technology startup called GeologicAl. The Microsoft co-founder has a genuine interest in promoting the development of robotics applied to geological activities and it seems that GeologicAl has the solution to fulfill this purpose.

Partnership with GeologicAl to create geological robots

The startup’s director, Yannai Segal, has expressed his agreement with Gates’ opinion. Both share the goal of creating robotic devices that allow them to investigate and understand what lies beneath the earth’s surface. During the interview, Segal commented:

“We believe that a better geological understanding is the win-win point for a more efficient, environmentally and economical mining industry and that multi-sensor machine vision is the best way to better understand rocks.”

BEV has made a significant grant of funds, providing $20 million to support GeologicAl in implementing this new technology that will undoubtedly take mining to the next level by providing a much-needed boost.

In addition to improving the understanding of unknown underground drifts, there is a broader goal behind this AI-driven geological robotics: to discover and harness more and better mining resources for the future.

What is expected of these mining robots

Until now, mining prospections were expensive and sometimes did not give the desired results. Therefore, it is expected that these mining robots powered by artificial intelligence can reach places inaccessible to humans and, moreover, more economically.

Finding mineral resources has become crucial for today’s society, according to Bill Gates and Yannai Segal. With the technological revolution underway and the transition to cleaner energy sources, increasingly scarce minerals will be needed in known deposits.

The future is already here and it has arrived almost imperceptibly. Not only will there be mining robots, but there are already robots of various forms and functions, from four-legged robots with built-in flamethrowers to robots assisting in military maneuvers around the world.

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