They present a robot with artificial intelligence for railway inspections

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Presentan robot con inteligencia artificial para inspecciones ferroviarias

Inspenet, December 12, 2023.

On December 4, KORAIL revealed the development of an autonomous robot for railway facility inspection based on artificial intelligence and carried out a demonstration at its facility equipment office in Daejeon, South Korea.

The advantages offered by the KORAIL AI robot

This autonomous inspection AI robot has an LTE communications network, a camera and LIDAR sensors, allowing it to move autonomously along the tracks to a predetermined destination. If cracks or other obstacles that may affect train transit are detected, the system sends images and alarms to the operator in real time .

KORAIL intends to deploy these robots to anticipate track conditions in areas where railway operations are complicated due to typhoons, heavy rain, or other adverse conditions, as well as in places where worker access is risky.

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It is anticipated that this robot will contribute to preventing railway accidents and improving work efficiency by enabling quick and safe inspections. KORAIL aims to conclude operational testing of the autonomous inspection robot for railway facilities by the end of this year and launch it commercially in the first half of next year.

With the introduction of advanced technologies such as robots using artificial intelligence, we will scientificize maintenance functions and strive for safe operation of trains ,” said Han Moon-hee, president of KORAIL.

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