China launches open source platform for Tiangong humanoid robot

"Tiangong" is the world's first fully electric life-size humanoid robot.
plataforma de código abierto para el robot humanoide Tiangong

The National and Local Center for Artificial Intelligence Robotics Innovation has taken a significant step in the field of robotics by announcing the launch of an open-source platform for its Tiangong humanoid robot , the first full-size, fully electric robot developed in China.

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Tiangong is the world’s first life-size electric humanoid. Source: CCTV

Tiangong, which was unveiled in May 2024 , stands out for its ability to efficiently navigate various terrains such as slopes, grass or stairs. The humanoid is 163 cm tall, weighs 43 kg and has been designed to showcase the prowess of artificial intelligence and also to be a tool to foster the development of robotic technologies globally.

With a speed of up to 12 km/h, this robot represents a breakthrough in electric robotics.

In addition to its movement capability, Tiangong is equipped with advanced visual perception sensor technology, a processing system capable of executing up to 550 trillion operations per second, and a high-precision inertial measurement unit (IMU). These advancements allow the robot to be extremely precise in its real-time navigation and decision-making capabilities.

The contribution of the Tiangong humanoid robot

The launch of this open source platform will allow universities, research institutes and other entities to collaborate on the secondary development of the technology. This platform is expected to accelerate the development of the humanoid robot and drive the adoption of autonomous robots in various industrial and commercial sectors, providing innovative solutions for the future.

The Tiangong robot open source initiative is a testament to China’s commitment to technological innovation and its role as a leader in the global race for artificial intelligence and robotics. This development marks a benchmark in autonomous robot design and underscores the importance of open platforms in the accelerated technological advancement of the 21st century.

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Source and photo: CCTV