The humanoid Torobo, developed by Tokyo Robotics, has proven to be quite the “carpenter robot” thanks to its ability to perform complex DIY tasks such as sawing wood and hammering nails. This achievement marks a major breakthrough in the ability of robots to assist in manual jobs that require precision and adaptability.
Look what Torobo can do!
Equipped with advanced joints and a machine learning system, the robot has been designed to interact effectively with its environment and perform movements with near-human precision. It can handle tools such as hammers and saws, adjusting its strength and calculating the resistance of the material, all while maintaining the safety of its movements. In this video you can see this carpenter robot in action.
Torobo is able to use the hammer with impressive precision. Source: Tokyo Robotics.
It can also cut wood. Source: Tokyo Robotics.
In addition to its ability to handle carpentry tools, this humanoid carpenter can perform household tasks such as wiping surfaces with a cloth.
Outstanding features of the “carpenter robot”.
With a height of 1.66 meters and the ability to carry up to 8 kg, this robot represents a remarkable combination of strength and finesse. Its advanced sensors allow it to adjust the pressure and angle needed to drive nails effectively, ensuring efficient and safe performance.
Torobo’s development represents a breakthrough in robotics and offers a glimpse into the future of automation in household and construction tasks. Like its counterparts in the United States and China, which can perform everything from dancing to driving vehicles, the aforementioned humanoid is setting a new standard for what humanoid robots can do.
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Source and photo: malaymail