Researchers propose installing wind farms on Mars for colonization

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Inspenet, February 16, 2023

In a recent NASA study, published in Nature Astronomy, American scientists have suggested that wind power could be a great option for establishing a settlement on Mars.

In theory, wind turbines on Mars could provide enough power for scientists to safely explore the outer regions of the planet during crewed missions.

Solar energy might be enough to explore Mars near the equator, but to live closer to the poles year-round, other sources of energy are needed. Combined with solar power, well-placed wind turbines could supply enough power for a group of six people to live and work on Mars year-round, without the radiation risks associated with nuclear power, says Victoria Hartwick of the Center for NASA Ames Research.

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“It’s really exciting that by combining potential wind power with other energy sources, we open up large parts of the planet for exploration and these really interesting scientifically interesting areas that the community may have previously discredited due to power requirements. “said the NASA scientist.

Studies of Martian winds since the 1970s have focused on landing zones, which must have low winds for safe landings, or on individual assessments of mountain ridges. These don’t give a complete picture of a region’s wind potential, which can vary considerably over a day, a season and a year, Hartwick says.

She and her colleagues adapted a global climate model that was originally designed for Earth. They used detailed information about Mars, such as its precise landscape, thermal energy, dust levels, and solar radiation in different regions, taken from maps produced by the Mars Global Surveyor and Viking missions. Using this information, the model simulated the various wind speeds across the planet, day and night, across seasons and even years, as storms vary from year to year.

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