Researchers discover bacteria that can dissolve oil in the Gulf of Mexico

By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D, Inspenet, April 1, 2022. A team of researchers from the UNAM Institute of Biotechnology (IBt), the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and Cinvestav Mérida discovered a group of bacteria that degrade oil.
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By : Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D, Inspenet, April 1, 2022.

A team of researchers from the UNAM Institute of Biotechnology (IBt), the Autonomous University of the State of Morelos and Cinvestav Mérida discovered a group of bacteria that degrade oil.

The parastatal Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) provided the researchers with different samples of hydrocarbons from the Gulf of Mexico to carry out biodegradation tests. Samples of marine bacteria were even taken at a depth of more than 3,000 meters during more than 40 expeditions that took five years of work.

Alexei Licea Navarro, part of the research consortium made up of more than 300 scientists, explains that in the case of these spills, chemicals called dispersants are usually used, which work like detergents and usually dissolve the oil. However, marine bacteria degrade the material organically, as well as derivatives such as plastic. “We have these bacteria ready to be able to offer a service, especially to Pemex, or to any oil company that requires it so that, if there is a spill and it depends on the type of oil that was spilled, then use the specific bacterial consortia to carry out the biodegradation ”, affirms Lice.

The expert also affirms that, with this type of research, it is possible to determine “where it is more convenient to drill and where it is not convenient due to the risk that this represents, there are areas with more marine fauna.” He explains that in the Gulf of Mexico there are places where there is no presence of this type of bacteria, and there are still traces of oil, even though the spill occurred more than two decades ago.

In fact, Licea emphasizes that it is necessary to give priority to the bioremediation process in the face of future disasters: once the analysis of the collected samples is completed, the last step of the project will be to look for investors to acquire the technology needed to produce and store large banks of these Mexican marine bacteria, ready to eat the oil from the depths of the sea when needed.

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Photo: Institute of Biotechnology (IBt) of the UNAM