Repsol and PLD Space develop renewable fuels for spacecraft

By: Inspenet, October 21, 2022. Repsol and PLD Space, the leading European company in the microlauncher industry, have signed a pioneering collaboration agreement to promote the use of renewable fuels for space vehicles.
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By: Inspenet, October 21, 2022

Repsol and PLD Space, the leading European company in the microlauncher industry, have signed a pioneering collaboration agreement to promote the use of renewable fuels for space vehicles.

The alliance includes both feasibility studies to replace current fuels with others produced with sustainable raw materials, and the design of new renewable fuels, which will be custom-made at Repsol Technology Lab for the rocket propellants manufactured by PLD Space, in specifically, for MIURA recoverable microlaunchers. In this way, both companies advance in the objective promulgated by the European Union of climate neutrality by 2050.

Within the framework of this agreement, the two companies revolutionize the future of rocket fuels that currently use liquid kerosene similar to that used in civil aviation, or a specific fuel for rockets called RP-1.

Repsol will formulate the new fuels from renewable or recycled raw materials, from advanced biofuels made with waste as raw material or using synthetic fuels that are produced from renewable hydrogen and CO 2 removed from the atmosphere. Thus achieving a reduction in the carbon footprint that can reach 90% and even become negative.

This material on the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo : Repsol

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