Renexia selects Aker Solutions to design a floating wind project in the Mediterranean Sea

The project raises energy expectations for local residents by building floating wind units off the Italian coast.
El proyecto eólico flotante Med Wind de Renexia

Renexia has signed a contract with Aker Solutions to design the subsea substations for the Med Wind floating wind farm in the Strait of Sicily. This wind farm, the largest in the Mediterranean, will supply clean energy to millions of homes in Italy.

The Med Wind floating wind project

Aker Solutions, in collaboration with ABB, will be responsible for the engineering of eight modules that will connect the floating turbines to the onshore power grid. These modules will be at a depth of between 520 and 660 meters, and will stand out for their efficiency and low impact on the marine environment.

Aker Solutions ‘ approach was decisive in their selection because it combines advanced technology with a design that minimizes environmental impact. The substations will not require major maintenance during the 25-year concession period, which ensures efficient and long-lasting operation. This project represents an important step forward for the offshore wind industry and the adoption of renewable energies in Europe.

In addition, the Med Wind project will produce around 9 TWh per year, supporting the energy needs of 3.4 million Italian households, equivalent to 3% of the country’s energy consumption. The construction of the wind farm is expected to generate employment in Sicily for the next six years.

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Source and photo: Aker Solutions