Renault presented its mythical new electric car R5

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Renault nuevo auto eléctrico R5

At the recent Geneva Motor Show, Renault unveiled with great anticipation its new R5 electric car, an innovative reinterpretation of its iconic 1972 sales success. This launch represents a key strategy of the French manufacturer to strengthen its position in the global electric vehicle market.

The compact design of the R5 incorporates elements characteristic of the original and the Super 5, such as vertical taillights and a vivid color palette. These two models together managed to sell more than nine million units, between 1972 and 1996, underlining the deep legacy on which the new electric R5 is built.

A new reinterpretation of its new R5 electric car

One of the strategies that Renault has opted for is the revitalization of its most eye-catching models. According to Gilles Vidal, Renault’s design director, the reintroduction of a classic model must be executed at a time that authentically resonates with the brand’s heritage, a philosophy they have “meticulously” followed with the new R5.

An essential pillar in Renault’s strategy towards the democratization of electric vehicles electric vehiclesis the introduction of affordable versions of the R5. However, the model initially available will be the top-of-the-range model, equipped with a 52 kilowatt-hour (KWh) battery and capable of achieving a range of 400 km, with plans to launch a more economical version as soon as possible.

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Autonomy, mobility and electric efficiency

This model is expected to arrive in the second half of the year, offering an impressive range of 249 miles per charge. It will also be followed by a version with reduced specifications, providing 300 km of autonomy for a more accessible price of 25,000 euros, reaffirming Renault’s commitment to accessibility in electric mobility.


The new R5 stands out for its design, performance and bi-directional charging design, performance and, allowing users to harness surplus electrical power back to the grid. This vehicle will use batteries supplied by Envisionwhich will be imported until the new production plant in northern France starts operations in 2025.

Notably, Renault is the only major European automaker present at this year’s Geneva Motor Show, the first since the disruption caused by the coronavirus pandemic in 2019. This fact highlights Renault’s significant interest in leading the transition to electric mobility in Europe and its commitment to innovation.

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Source: Reuters

Photo: Renault

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