REN reports that renewable energy production reaches historic highs in Portugal

Multiple renewable energy sources have enabled Portugal to move forward in its transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy system.
Redes Energéticas Nacionais informa que la producción de energía renovable logra máximos históricos en Portugal

The National Energy Networks system has reported a historic record in renewable energy production. Last Sunday, November 24, 2024, the country reached a total of 110.4 GWh, setting a new record for wind energy production, and another record for pumped hydroelectric power, with 41.7 GWh of energy production.

Renewable energy production breaks historic records

Among the main figures, it was identified that wind energy surpassed its previous record of 108.0 GWh, reached on October 17, 2023. All the strong and constant winds in the country contributed to wind production of 110.4 GWh, representing 86% of national consumption, contributing to 27% of national consumption during this year.

Furthermore, the country continues to demonstrate a commitment to clean energy, with 10% of national production coming from solar energy . The diversification of renewable sources has allowed Portugal to advance in its transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy system.

The increase in wind production has also allowed for the highest use of pumped hydro in the country’s history, at 41.7 GWh. This record was 24% higher than the previous record of 33.7 GWh, which had been reached on May 1, 2024. Pumped hydro is involved in energy storage, allowing excess wind and solar production to be stored for later use.

The success of this historic record demonstrates the ability of the National Electricity System to adapt to the high availability of renewable energy, taking advantage of the favourable conditions in Portugal and Spain. This flexibility is important for the management of renewable energy production, in an increasingly interconnected electricity system.

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Source and photo: REN