They recover parts of the Titan submarine and possible human remains

Isbel Lázaro.
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submarino titán

Inspenet, October 13, 2023.

Last week, what are presumed to be additional human remains were recovered from the depths of the Atlantic Ocean, as well as the last fragments of the submarine Titan , which imploded on the seabed last June, according to authorities.

Maritime safety engineers from the United States Coast Guard (USCG) carried out the recovery of several parts of the wreck, including the submarine’s titanium cover, which was intact. These objects were located more than 400 meters away from where the Titanic was when the implosion occurred in June, which resulted in the tragic death of all five occupants on board.

Other suspected human remains were carefully recovered from the wreckage of the Titan and transported for analysis by American medical professionals ,” the USCG said in a statement.

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This mission marked the second foray into the deep sea in search of the Titan and is possibly the last of its kind. Previously, human remains and parts of the Titan had been recovered just ten days after its implosion.

It should be noted that the authorities will carry out a thorough examination of the human remains and other evidence recovered from the mission prior to the public hearing that is anticipated regarding this tragic situation.

The implosion of the Titan submarine

Research suggests that the Titan implosion occurred approximately one hour and 45 minutes after its immersion, when it was about 3,000 meters below the sea surface.

The five victims who lost their lives in this unfortunate event were Stockton Rush, 61, who was the CEO of OceanGate; Paul-Henri Nargeolet, a 77-year-old French Titanic expert; Hamish Harding, a 58-year-old British billionaire; Shahzada Dawood, a 48-year-old prominent Pakistani businessman, and his 19-year-old son Sulaiman Dawood.

Harding, Dawood and their son had shelled out a quarter of a million dollars for each ticket in hopes of witnessing the famous shipwreck during the voyage.

Prior to the discovery of the wreck’s location, an intense international search was launched for the missing submarine, with rescue teams racing against the clock to reach the submersible before it exhausted its oxygen supply.

The Titan’s carbon fiber hull has also come under fire for not being strong enough to withstand multiple dives. This has led to the bankruptcy of OceanGate .

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