The “Nueva Centinela project” will promote regional development and sustainable mining in Chile

The Centinela project promotes sustainability, incorporating state-of-the-art technologies that minimize environmental impact.
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El proyecto Nueva Centinela

The Nueva Centinela project consolidates its position as the largest mining investment in Chile in the last five years. This project is located in the commune of Sierra Gorda, Antofagasta region, under the planning of Antofagasta Minerals, which will contribute to regional development and mining in the country.

The progress of the Nueva Centinela project

Major work at Nueva Centinela began in May for the planning of the construction of Minera Centinela’s new concentrator plant. The project aims to extend the company’s useful life for an additional 30 years and contribute 144,000 tons of copper to its annual production, and is 14% complete.

The Centinela project promotes sustainability, incorporating state-of-the-art technologies that minimize environmental impact. An example of this is the use of a Thickened Tailings Repository (TRD), which reduces the fresh water requirement and maximizes recovery. In addition, the project considers the expansion of the molybdenum plant and the implementation of new autonomous trucks to optimize operating efficiency.

Hiring local labor is fundamental for Antofagasta Minerals at Nueva Centinela. Through job fairs and information days, the company has involved close to 3,000 people in the region in the recruitment process. We have also provided consulting and training services to prepare those interested in the profiles required by the project.

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The construction of the project will generate more than 13,000 jobs, boosting the regional economy and contributing to the well-being of nearby communities. In the long term, the project will allow reaching an annual production of 900,000 tons of copper, positioning Grupo Minero as a key player in the global mining industry.

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Source and photo: Centinela Antofagasta Minerals

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