President of Naturgas will chair the Global Strategic Communications Committee of the International Gas Union (IGU)

By: Inspenet, October 28, 2022. The International GAS Union (IGU) is a global organization founded in 1931 in Vevey (Switzerland), made up of 150 members from 80 countries on 5 continents, representing more than 90 percent of the world gas market .
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By: Inspenet, October 28, 2022

The International GAS Union (IGU) is a global organization founded in 1931 in Vevey (Switzerland), made up of 150 members from 80 countries on 5 continents, representing more than 90 percent of the world gas market .

Since May 2022, the IGU Presidency has been led by Li Yalan, the first woman to reach the position representing China, who is also Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Beijing Gas Group.

Naturgas has been part of this international organization since 2012, a membership that has allowed its affiliates to participate in the discussion of key industry issues at an international level, in order to promote new technologies and exchange good practices that allow Colombia to move forward towards a fair, orderly and sustainable energy transition based on the use of natural gas.

The IGU has appointed Luz Stella Murgas, president of Naturgas, as president of the Global Strategic Communications Committee of the international organization, for the period of 2022-2025. This important announcement was made by Li Yalan during the IGU Executive Committee being held this week in Lima, Peru.

“The global dynamics around the energy transition positioned natural gas as the strategic energy source to achieve supply objectives and fight against climate change. Working hand in hand with the president of the IGU during this triennium will allow us to engage in crucial conversations around current issues such as energy security, access to energy, decarbonization and the incorporation of renewable gases into the economies”, expressed Luz Stella Murgas, president of Naturgas.

The IGU Triennial Work Program 2022-2025 aims to maximize the benefits of natural gas in the world, focusing on three pillars: sustainability of the industry, positioning of energy to guarantee the transition to clean energy, and the fight against climate change, to meet the ‘net zero’ objectives (reduction of greenhouse gas emissions).

“The pillars of the triennium of the IGU are associated with the objectives of the natural gas industry in Colombia, which in turn are the objectives that the national government has set. Leading this committee will allow us to take advantage of international experiences to support the construction of initiatives consistent with the needs of the country, said Luz Stella Murgas.

The participation of Naturgas in this steering committee of the IGU will be crucial for the exchange of good practices, the positioning of Colombia in international scenarios and the relationship between governments that build public policy tools where natural gas is the axis of the global energy transition. In addition, it paves the way for Colombia to be a relevant actor in the 29th World Gas Conference, which will take place in the city of Beijing (China) in mid-2025.

Source : Naturgas


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