President of CAEM: “We are facing the right opportunity to grow in a mining scenario with excellent projections”

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 22, 2022. Franco Mignacco, president of the Argentine Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs (CAEM), was one of the speakers at the Argentina Forum Day organized within the framework of PDAC, where he highlighted the current contribution to the country's economy and regional development and the opportunities for keep growing. The event was moderated by Alberto Carlocchia, CAEM secretary.
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By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 22, 2022

Franco Mignacco, president of the Argentine Chamber of Mining Entrepreneurs (CAEM), was one of the speakers at the Argentina Forum Day organized within the framework of PDAC, where he highlighted the current contribution to the country’s economy and regional development and the opportunities for keep growing. The event was moderated by Alberto Carlocchia, CAEM secretary.

As Mignacco explained, “the country’s position on the map of investment destinations is being enhanced by the international context and the prospects for the demand for minerals that are opening up from the change in the energy paradigm and the commitment of countries with the reduction of carbon emissions. It is estimated that new technologies related to clean energy and electromobility will multiply the demand for minerals by six. In particular, copper and lithium. And these are precisely two minerals of which Argentina has outstanding reserves.”

He also recalled the importance of “knowing how to read the scenario, considering the possibility of today being part of the consolidation of a growing mining industry that drives the economies of the regions where it develops. A mining that works in a sustainable way, applying technological advances, promoting new projects and accompanying the growth of deposits that are already in production”.

And he considered that for growth to be consolidated, it is essential that the country works to accompany investors. “The country today seeks to expand its productive matrix through mining, to start a legacy of sustainable productive progress. All the actors of the Argentine mining are accompanying this process.”

“The country is at a key moment: With availability of mineral resources (especially lithium, copper, gold, silver), a context of favorable demand expectations, with a national State that recognizes the importance of the sector and of achieving its consolidation, and a framework where mining companies are committed to the development of a sustainable industry from the environmental, social and economic aspects. We are facing the right opportunity to grow together in a mining scenario with excellent projections”, Mignacco pointed out.

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