Piura Nueva – Frontera Electric Transmission Line will be awarded in July

Inspenet, April 19, 2023 The execution of the project will increase the electricity transport capacity for Peru and Ecuador, with efficiency, quality and lower prices, taking advantage of the hydrological complementarity of both countries.
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Inspenet, April 19, 2023

The Private Investment Promotion Agency ( ProInversión ) plans to award the Piura Nueva – Frontera Substation 500 kV Transmission Line project in July 2023, which is part of the development of the 500 kV electrical interconnection between Peru and Ecuador.

The estimated investment in this project is USD 217 million (without IGV), and the concession period covers the construction period of 46 months and 30 years of operation and maintenance from the start of commercial operation.

The executive director of ProInversión, José Salardi, in the promotion webinar “500 kV Transmission Line Piura Nueva Substation – Frontera” organized by the entity, said that “the development of the project will provide security of energy supply for Peru and Ecuador, increasing reliability and capacity to transport electricity with efficiency and quality”.

“The hydrological complementarity between the basins of both countries will allow an exchange of electrical energy at lower costs (efficient),” he stressed.

The event was attended by investors, consultants, lawyers, bank representatives and executives from the electricity sector.

The head of ProInversión commented that the entity is working intensively in coordination with the Ministry of Energy and Mines, OSINERGMIN, COES and the Ministry of Economy and Finance so that this second call allows this project to become a reality, since it is one of the most major electrical infrastructure in the north of the country.

The 500 kV Transmission Line Piura Nueva Substation – Frontera is promoted through the Public-Private Partnership (APP) modality.

Among the concessionaire’s obligations is the construction of the 500 kV Transmission Line in Peruvian territory, from the Piura Nueva Substation to the border crossing point, with an approximate length of 270.3 km; Likewise, the Piura Nueva Substation will be expanded by 500 kV, including an area separation scheme in order to isolate any of the electrical systems, in the event of a contingency in the other.

While this project is implemented on the Peruvian side, Ecuador will do the same with its own and thus the electrical interconnection between the two countries will be a reality; To this end, it has been continuously coordinating with the Ecuadorian side and monitoring the milestones scheduled in its schedule.

“2023 will be a historic year, since it will be a year that will mark important milestones not only in Peru, but also in Ecuador, since in July 2023 it is estimated that the signing of the loan contract for the financing of the Ecuadorian tranche will be finalized,” he mentioned. José Ramón Gómez, regional leading energy specialist of the Inter-American Development Bank, in the aforementioned webinar.

When the electrical interconnection comes into operation, there will be security of electrical supply for both countries, even in extreme situations, for example, in events of force majeure such as earthquakes, floods, etc.

It should be noted that the hydrology of Peru is complemented by that of Ecuador; that is, when in Peru it is the rainy season in Ecuador it is not, and vice versa, which allows access to lower prices in the other when there is a surplus of hydraulic generation in one country.

The next milestones in this tender are the presentation and evaluation of the bidder qualification documents (April/May 2023) and the publication of the final version of the concession contract (May 2023).

ProInversión also plans to award the Enlace Huánuco-Tocache-Celendín-Trujillo and Enlace Celendín-Piura projects (USD 611 million), and two groups comprising five (5) projects for USD 164 million by 2023; which will be added to the one awarded in January this year (Enlace Ica – Poroma and ITC Enlace Cáclic – Jaén), whose concession contracts will be signed in the following weeks.

Source: https://www.rumbominero.com/peru/linea-de-transmision-electrica-piura-nueva-frontera/

Photo: ShutterStock

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