Radial Power Acquires New York Solar Plants from RIC Energy

RIC Energy has cemented its position in the sector by selling a total of 13 photovoltaic plants in New York.
La capacidad de las plantas fotovoltaicas en Nueva York

Leading renewable energy group RIC Energy has completed the sale of seven photovoltaic plants in New York to Radial Power. These facilities, with a combined capacity of 34 MW, are designed to supply clean energy to more than 8,000 households participating in community solar programs, an initiative that promotes access to sustainable energy sources.

The capacity of photovoltaic plants in New York City

The transaction is estimated to exceed €78 million ($85 million equivalent), RIC Energy announced last Thursday, underscoring the company’s continued commitment to expanding renewable energy in key markets such as New York. In recent months, RIC Energy has cemented its position in the sector by selling a total of 13 PV plants in this state, with a total capacity of 70 MW, to various business entities.

RIC Energy has emerged as the second largest developer in the state, with more than 600 MW of PV and storage capacity. At the national level, the company has a portfolio of more than 2,000 MW, evidencing its long-standing commitment to the transition to cleaner and more sustainable energies.

José Luis Moya, CEO of RIC Energy highlights the company’s initiatives in community projects such as collaborations with utilities in flagship states like New York, Maryland, Texas and California.

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Source and photo: RIC Energy