Floating photovoltaic technology of the BRIZO project showed advances

Isbel Lázaro.
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Tecnología fotovoltaica flotante

Fred. Olsen 1848 sees the pilot project in Risør, measuring 50 x 50 meters and with a capacity of 124 kW, as a crucial testing ground for perfecting the components of its floating PV technology. The next stage involves transitioning the technology behind BRIZO to the next phase, focusing on fundamental design work to facilitate the development of a 3 MW first unit project designed specifically for commercial applications.

The Norwegian company emphasized that the process was extremely educational and exciting, with additional knowledge and experience to be integrated into the next phases. The learnings obtained during the implementation and operation of the pilot will be valuable in optimizing its technology, ensuring that the system is designed for commercial viability.

BRIZO project: innovation in floating photovoltaic technology

The installation process of BRIZO in Risør, Norway, has gone as expected and has had a successful outcome. We are pleased to be able to demonstrate the basics of BRIZO by working in a real-life environment and using the knowledge gained during the implementation and operation of BRIZO to fine-tune our components for upcoming projects for commercial use.“said Geir Grimsrud, Fred’s CTO. Olsen 1848.

The design of the BRIZO project has been conceived to follow the movements of the ocean, allowing the floating solar modules to follow the movements of the ocean. floating solar modules to move individually within a pre-tested rope mesh structure. This flexibility allows them to adapt to various environmental conditions, enabling them to operate effectively in inland water bodies as well as in near and offshore locations.

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The presence of the mesh and mooring system contributes to the overall stability and longevity of BRIZO by distributing the loads generated by waves and wind.

Moreover, BRIZO has an additional feature: it incorporates an operation and maintenance catamaran, which sets the standard for cost-effective maintenance of floating photovoltaic systems.

About Fred. Olsen 1848

Fred. Olsen 1848, established in late 2021 by Bounheur ASA in Norway, focuses on the development and commercialization of innovative renewable energy-related technologies, including floating offshore wind and floating solar.

The company’s solution, called Bolette, unveiled in June 2023, is seen as a breakthrough that will unlock the potential of floating solar power in both near and offshore environments by enabling independent mobility of PV modules.

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Source: offshore-energy.biz

Photo: fredolsen1848.com

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