Petronas makes oil and gas discovery in Malaysia

By: Inspenet, December 8, 2022. Petronas Carigali, a wholly owned subsidiary of Malaysian energy giant Petronas, has made a new oil and gas discovery in Block SK 100, offshore Malaysia.
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By: Inspenet, Dec 8, 2022

Petronas Carigali, a wholly owned subsidiary of Malaysian energy giant Petronas, has made a new oil and gas discovery in Block SK 100, offshore Malaysia.

Petronas announced this oil and gas discovery in the Nahara-1 well on the SK 306 block on Wednesday, explaining that PCSB is the operator of the block, with a 100% working interest in its production sharing contract (PSC).

Mohd Redhani Abdul Rahman, Petronas Vice President of Exploration, commented: “We are excited about this discovery and its impact on future exploration efforts in the surrounding areas. Nahara-1 is a major oil discovery made by the PCSB over the past decade. This is a testament to the great potential of Malaysia’s prolific basins, which remain very promising.”

Located in the shallows of Balingian Province, approximately 150 kilometers from Bintulu, off the coast of Sarawak, Malaysia, the Nahara-1 well was successfully drilled to a total depth of 2 meters and encountered hydrocarbons in deeper sediments. ancient from the Upper Oligocene to the Middle Miocene. sequences.

Petronas has confirmed that light oil with minimal contaminants has also been established after conducting production tests for the well.

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