Petroleum Directorate announced the discovery of a “considerable” amount of mineral resources on the Norwegian seabed

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Inspenet, January 31, 2023

A “considerable” amount of mineral resources has been discovered on Norway’s continental shelf, the country’s Oil Directorate (OD) said on Friday, quoted by Reuters.

“Of the metals found on the seabed in the study area, magnesium, niobium, cobalt and rare earth minerals are on the European Commission’s list of critical minerals,” the OD stated. He added that rare-earth metals such as neodymium and dysprosium are extremely important for magnets in wind turbines and electric vehicle motors.

In addition, the OD specified the volumes of some metals found: 38 million tons of copper, 45 million tons of zinc, 24 million tons of magnesium, 3.1 million tons of cobalt and 1.7 million tons of cerium. , a rare earth metal used in alloys.

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