By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, July 29, 2022
The Argentine fuel company YPF (Fiscal Petroleum Deposits) announced through its official LinkedIn account, that it will integrate the Argentine Federal Blockchain Platform (BFA).
In addition, they supported the initiative by saying that the decision to incorporate block chain technology is to “continue integrating services and applications.”

As explained on its official page, Blockchain Federal Argentina is an open and participatory multiservice platform designed to integrate services and applications on blockchain.
They also indicate that it is an auditable blockchain that allows processes to be optimized and works as an empowerment tool for the entire community.
“Blockchain Federal Argentina was conceived within a collaborative workspace, and aims to reproduce that pattern as the backbone of the platform,” they pointed out on the official website, where they also mention that, due to the structure, this blockchain does not incorporate cryptocurrencies.
“Designed to be empowered through the contributions of public, private, academic and civil society sectors, BFA opts for a strategy where the participation of the entire community is essential, from organizational engineering to infrastructure deployment,” they add. .
This material from the Cointelegraph portal has been edited for clarity, style, and length.
Cover Photo : ShutterStock
Internal Photo : LinkedIn YPF SA