Petrobras sells its operations in Argentina

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By: Inspenet, October 17, 2022

The Brazilian oil company announced its intention to leave Argentina and for this it has begun the sale of its stake in Petrobras Operations (POSA), its local subsidiary, which owns 33.6% of the Río Neuquén Field.

The abandonment of natural gas operations occurs after Petrobras has already ceased its fuel sales activity in the country. The Brazilian company seeks to dispose of Petrobras Operations, which controls 33.60% of the unconventional Río Neuquén area.

The company selected UBS Securities as financial adviser to find a buyer for it. Interested parties will have until November 4 to submit to the Swiss bank their intention to participate in the process.

The selected companies will go to a second phase in which they will sign confidentiality agreements and compliance certificates and deliver any other required documentation, before November 11, when the Confidential Information Memorandum will be distributed.

This material from the portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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Photo : Joa Souza /

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