Petrobras receives resident researchers to accelerate innovative solutions

Free translation by: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 15, 2022. Petrobras is receiving resident researchers from universities and scientific institutions (including master's and doctoral students) to develop innovative technological projects connected to the most urgent demands of the oil and gas sector, such as digital transformation, decarbonization, increased efficiency in deep water, among others.
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Free translation by : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, June 15, 2022

Petrobras is receiving resident researchers from universities and scientific institutions (including master’s and doctoral students) to develop innovative technological projects connected to the most urgent demands of the oil and gas sector, such as digital transformation, decarbonization, increased efficiency in deep water, among others.

Called “Residents”, the initiative is one of the eight modules that make up the ‘Petrobras Connections for Innovation’ program, a company initiative to strengthen its relationship with the innovation ecosystem, made up of universities, research institutions, startups, among others. The objective is to speed up technological deliveries and reduce the absorption time of these innovations.

The selection of research projects responds to technical criteria, associated with the technological demands of the sector. The ‘Residents’ Module is made up of two fronts: the alliance with the Human Resources Training Program (PRH) of the National Agency for Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels (ANP), through which interns will be selected for this program to integrate the resident teams and the alliance established by the Technological Cooperation Conditions (TC) with the universities, through which the members of the research teams will be selected.

The PRH-ANP front seeks to optimize state-of-the-art solutions to meet the main challenges of the industry, as well as develop scientific production with the potential for immediate application in the sector, contributing to the mutual transfer of knowledge and the qualification of professionals for oil and gas. gas. The researchers will have access to the facilities of the Petrobras Research and Innovation Center (Cenpes), including the infrastructure of laboratories and equipment.

Scientific projects range from the development of digital rock algorithms, to the study of geological models of Brazilian basins, new asphalt materials, elevation guarantee and offshore flow, among others. “Each researcher will be guided by a Petrobras tutor, who will accompany the day-to-day activities. Our purpose is to anticipate the delivery of value and oxygenate the work environment, in addition to contributing to training these students for the sector and promoting the entire innovation ecosystem”, said the executive manager of Cenpes, Maíza Goulart. The duration of the research will follow the researcher’s master’s or doctoral cycle.

Real solutions to real problems

“Petrobras already has more than 9,000 researchers engaged in the Petrobras Connections for Innovation program. With the new modality of resident researchers, we will further expand the synergy with universities, bringing new solutions to the oil and gas sector. In this way, researchers will focus on real market problems, with the potential to generate a leap in productivity and efficiency. The opportunity to transform the future of the industry depends on the ability to select today the technological projects and scientific production that will make a difference”, said the Director of Digital Transformation and Innovation of Petrobras, Juliano Dantas.

“With this initiative we will take Petrobras’ integration with universities and scientific institutions to a new level. We will strengthen academic research directly linked to the needs of the industry and accelerate innovation, bringing residents closer to working at our Research Center (Cenpes) together with our collaborators. Beyond industry and academia, the benefits will spill over to society as a whole. Because an innovative and more efficient company generates more taxes and jobs for the population”, said the president of Petrobras, José Mauro Coelho.

Petrobras Connections for Innovation Program

Since its launch, the Petrobras Connections for Innovation Program has been in constant evolution. Currently, it covers the modules “Technological Associations”, “Technology Transfer”, “Acquisition of Solutions”, “Ignition”, “Technological Orders”, “Startups”, “Open Labs” and “Residents”, which has just been incorporated into the company innovation initiatives. All modules aim to establish connection models between Petrobras and the various players in the ecosystem, from companies, scientific institutions, universities to startups, which accelerate results in each innovation context.

This material from the AgenciaPetrobras portal was edited for clarity, style and length.

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