Petrobras appoints Senator Jean Paul Prates as its new president

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Inspenet, January 30, 2023

Brazil’s state-owned oil company Petrobras has approved the appointment of Senator Jean Paul Prates of the Workers’ Party as its new president, the G1 portal reported.

The appointment of the legislator for Rio Grande do Norte, where he served as Secretary of Energy, was unanimously endorsed by the Petrobras Board. Prates will replace Caio Paes de Andrade, who resigned after the end of Jair Bolsonaro’s term and was temporarily replaced by a director.

The new head of Petrobras was recently recognized by the international energy magazines Recharge and WindPower as one of the three most influential people in the renewable energy sector in Brazil, one of the 50 most important in the world energy sector and one of the 25 exponents of the world wind industry.

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Prates -a 54-year-old lawyer- between 1990 and 2000 was a member of the legal council of Petrobras International SA – Braspetro, the largest oil consultancy in the country. Subsequently, in the political sphere, Prates served as Secretary of Energy of the regional Government of the State of Rio Grande do Norte. Already as a senator, between 2019 and 2023, he was part of several parliamentary commissions, such as the Economic Affairs, Services and Infrastructure, and Science and Technology commissions.

Sources : paul-prates-as-your-new-president-n5637740

Photo : Alf Ribeiro /

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