Petrobras announces projects to mitigate one million tons of CO2 per year

By: Inspenet, November 9, 2022. Petrobras, the largest company in Brazil, announced a series of "decarbonization" projects with which it intends to mitigate the emission of nearly one million tons of carbon dioxide (CO2) equivalent per year.
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By: Inspenet, November 9, 2022

Petrobras, the largest company in Brazil, announced a series of “decarbonization” projects with which it intends to mitigate the emission of nearly one million tons of carbon dioxide (CO 2 ) equivalent per year.

“The projects were approved by the company’s Board of Directors and have the purpose not only of reducing the company’s polluting gas emissions, but also of mitigating those that are unavoidable,” said the Director of Relations at a press conference. Institutional and Sustainability of Petrobras, Rafael Chaves.

According to the company, the 1.05 million tons of carbon dioxide that will be offset per year at the start of the project are equivalent to the emissions of two of its gigantic offshore exploitation platforms or those of one of its refineries.

The executive stated that the projects approved this week by the Petrobras Board of Directors are the first to be financed with the Decarbonization Fund created by the company to seek the neutralization of its emissions and which initially has 76 million dollars.

He added that these are small projects that mitigate emissions and that, added together, can partially contribute to the decarbonization of the largest oil producer in Brazil.

Among the projects to “decarbonize” the Petrobras portfolio that will be launched immediately, he mentioned the one that forces the company to charter more ecological vessels for its operations and the one that foresees the use of electric motors and not combustion engines in refineries. .

He also cited a project for the acquisition of special cameras that allow the detection and control of fugitive methane emissions from its plants, as well as the commercialization in Brazil of a less polluting diesel.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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