Pemex reports million-dollar profits amid a changing energy market

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Inspenet, May 4, 2023

Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex) , the largest state oil company in Mexico, has presented its financial results for the first quarter of the year. The company has reported a net profit of 56,752 million pesos, which is equivalent to 3,149 million dollars, in said period.

Despite being a considerable figure, it is lower than that reported in the same period of the previous year, which has been attributed to a decrease in sales, an increase in the impairment of assets and a decrease in other income, according to indicated Pemex.

1759 campo petrolero Zama Pemex Mexico

Pemex decreased revenue in the first quarter

In the first quarter of 2022, Pemex had reported profits of 122,676 million pesos. On the other hand, the company’s revenues in the first quarter of 2023 totaled 418,438 million pesos, a significant decrease compared to the 506,794 million reported in the same period of the previous year.

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In addition, Pemex has reported a financial debt of 107.4 billion dollars at the end of the first quarter of the current year, which represents a slight decrease compared to the 107.7 billion dollars reported at the end of the previous year.

These financial results have been closely followed by analysts in the energy sector, who have expressed concern about the financial situation of the state company.

Source and photo Zama field :

Photo gas station : Divisual Jo /

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