Pemex positioned itself as the second most successful international company in exploration

By: Inspenet, November 8, 2022. Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) was positioned from 2019 to 2021, as the second international company with the greatest exploration success within the most important oil companies, only behind Exxon Mobil, according to Octavio Romero Oropeza, general director of the company.
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By: Inspenet, November 8, 2022

Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX) was positioned from 2019 to 2021, as the second international company with the greatest exploration success within the most important oil companies, only behind Exxon Mobil, according to Octavio Romero Oropeza, general director of the company.

PEMEX’s exploration success is 53%, 16 percentage points more than the average 37% registered by oil companies in the world and is below the average cost. The Mexican oil company is above the results of the Italian Eni, the English BP, the Brazilian parastatal Petrobras, the American Chevron or the Dutch Shell.

According to company data as of the third quarter of the year, 53 exploratory wells have been discovered in the current administration, of which 36 have been put into early production because the company’s current strategy is to advance in exploration and rapidly incorporate new fields and wells into the production platform.

Romero Oropeza said during the Glossary of the IV Government Report, that the operational efficiency implemented by PEMEX also managed to position it as one of the companies with the lowest discovery costs. On average, the big oil companies spend 3.6 dollars for each barrel of crude oil, while the Mexican oil company invests 3.4 dollars per barrel, this is well below the 10.5 dollars invested by Chevron or the 7.1 dollars invested by Shell.

According to data from the firm, at the end of September this year, crude oil production averaged 1,770,000 barrels per day, while private companies operating in the country are barely producing 63,000 barrels per day.

By: Inspenet, November 8, 2022

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Photo : Guajillo studio /

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