Pemex maintains monitoring and control over the incident at the Deer Park refinery

The company is monitoring the incident at Deer Park following a hydrogen sulfide leak, and air quality was monitored with no off-site impacts detected.
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El incidente en la refinería Deer Park lleva un seguimiento detallado por PEMEX

The Mexican Petroleum Company ( Pemex ) has reported that it continues to monitor and control the incident that occurred on October 10 at its Deer Park refinery, located in Texas, in the United States.

The Safety Protocol for the Deer Park Refinery Incident

The event involved a hydrogen sulfide gas leak from the Amine Regeneration Unit, and was effectively controlled that same day , while the plant was declared safe to resume normal operations.

The gas release occurred during maintenance work at the processing unit, and although it lasted only a few minutes, containment measures were immediately activated. In addition, the refinery team blocked the affected line and, in approximately one hour, emissions were reduced, managing to mitigate and stop the leak completely within a period of three hours.

To control the situation, Pemex used three different burners that allowed the release of gases to be reduced, and subsequently, it was reported to the environmental authorities of the state of Texas through the Electronic Environmental Reporting System ( STEERS ).

Air quality monitoring was controlled and repeated many times during the course of the incident. This helped regulate measurements in the surroundings of the refinery, which did not detect any impacts of hydrogen sulfide or sulfur dioxide outside the potentially affected areas.

Pemex is currently working with federal, state and local agencies to closely follow the investigations that seek to determine the exact causes of the incident. The company reaffirms its commitment to safety and environmental protection, ensuring that all industrial safety protocols were followed to minimize any risk.

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Source and photo: Pemex

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