Researchers explore particle accelerator for chip fabrication in Japan

Researchers study the use of free electron lasers (FEL) from particle accelerators for chip fabrication.
El acelerador de partículas

Companies such as Intel, Samsung Foundry and TSMC use ASML’s EUV lithography machines, a“particle accelerator” capable of producing semiconductors with 13 nm resolution. These machines employ an EUV light source generated by plasma produced by CO₂ lasers applied to tin droplets.

The potential of the particle accelerator

A group of researchers in Japan are investigating the use of free electron lasers(FEL) from particle accelerators to manufacture chips with advanced features. The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization(KEK), located in Tsukuba, is developing the use of free electron lasers(FEL) generated by an energy recovery linear accelerator (ERL) for chip fabrication.

The researchers claim that an ERL could produce tens of kilowatts of EUV energy, to power multiple lithography machines simultaneously. Now, ASML has developed a 500 W EUV light source for its Twinscan NXE:5800E and is considering increasing this capability to 1000 W in the future of the ERL.

The operation of the ERL differs from EUV lithography tools. Initially, an electron gun injects electrons into a cryogenically cooled tube, where they are accelerated by superconducting RF cavities. The electrons then pass through an undulator, emitting light that is amplified by self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE). The spent electrons then return to the RF accelerator, transferring their energy to new electrons before being discarded. This energy recovery makes the ERL a highly efficient and cost-effective method of generating high-power EUV light.

Technical advantages and challenges

According to Norio Nakamura, a researcher at KEK, the extreme power of the FEL beam and its narrow spectral width make it ideal for future lithography applications. In 2021, KEK estimated that building an ERL system would cost about $260 million, $50 million to $60 million more than the price of a Twinscan NXE:3800E. This system would provide 10 kW of EUV power, sufficient for multiple lithography machines, with annual operating costs projected at $25.675 million.

Although ERL offers advantages, it also presents challenges. For example, an energy recovery linear energy recovery is extremely large. In addition, a complex set of mirrors is required to guide the 10 kW of EUV radiation to multiple lithographic tools without significant power loss, and such a system has not yet been developed.

It is also necessary to resolve the compatibility of resistors and films with such a powerful light source. Nakamura recognizes that there are numerous technical challenges that must be overcome before an ERL-based lithographic tool can achieve the levels of performance and operational stability required for commercial chip manufacturing.

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Source: toms Hardrware

Photo: KEK