Panama Canal improved the passage of ships after rains

The increase in depth of the Panama Canal to 48 feet will facilitate the passage of larger, more heavily laden vessels.
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Following heavy rainfall, the Panama Canal Authority announced Wednesday that water levels have risen sufficiently to allow heavier ships with larger cargoes to transit through the canal’s neopanamax locks. the canal’s neopanamax locks. .

From now on, the maximum allowable depth will be 47 feet (14.33 m), increasing to 48 feet (14.63 m) on July 11, according to an official statement to customers.

Flexibility in the Panama Canal for ship passage

In addition, an additional number of additional number of transit slots for neopanamax vessels booked after August 5, bringing the total available with reservations after August 5, bringing the total available to 35 spaces between the neopanamax and Panamax locks.

These adjustments are intended to provide greater flexibility to carriers, who have had to seek alternative routes due to drought restrictions.

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Source: marinelink

Photo: Shutterstock

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