Pan American Energy Plans to Conduct Exploration Drilling at the Horizonte Lithium Project

By: Inspenet, November 23, 2022. Pan American Energy Corp. has filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tonopah Field Office for exploration drilling at its 17,334 acre Horizon Lithium Project.
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By : Inspenet, Nov 23, 2022

Pan American Energy Corp. has filed a Notice of Intent (NOI) with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM), Tonopah Field Office for exploration drilling at its 17,334 acre Horizon Lithium Project.

The company is proposing 19 lithium prospecting core holes with associated federal surface and mineral access, under management by BLM – Tonopah Field Office, approximately 7.4 miles west of Tonopah, Esmeralda County, Nevada, United States.

“After completing study and analysis of surrounding operator drilling techniques, spacing, depths and strategies, RESPEC, a global engineering and design company, recommended a phase one drilling program that offers comprehensive coverage property, in depth,” Pan American Energy said.

Drilling of adjacent properties has shown very shallow overburden with anomalously high concentration of lithium at greater depths.

In accordance with applicable BLM and Nevada Division of Minerals (Division) regulations, Pan American Energy is submitting this notice of the Horizon Lithium Exploration Project (Phase 1) of intent to conduct exploration that, once implemented, it is designed to further quantify the existence of a valuable lithium reserve. deposit within the prospect area.

Activities are anticipated to be complete within three months and include drilling, coring, core analysis and plugging. Following plugging of the central well, surface incidental recovery will begin as soon as weather permits.

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Photo: ShutterStock

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