OpenAI co-founder Sam Altman fired

Isbel Lázaro.
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Sam Altman

Inspenet, November 20, 2023.

Last Friday, Sam Altman was abruptly fired from the company OpenAI , which is behind ChatGPT. His departure from the company was sudden and marked by unexpected drama.

OpenAI’s board of directors has released a statement saying: ” Altman’s departure follows a deliberative review process by the board, which concluded that he was not consistently candid in his communications with the board, hindering his ability to exercise their responsibilities .”

According to the statement issued, the board of directors notes that Altman did not maintain “consistent consistency in his communications” with them, which resulted in the “loss of confidence” in his leadership abilities. Although there are various rumors, no further details have been provided so far.

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Recently, Altman addressed the ChatGPT situation, highlighting challenges in handling an “increase in demand” and the need to temporarily pause sign-ups for the premium subscription service. Could this be the reason for your dismissal?

Notably, Greg Brockman, its co-founder, also removed from the board shortly after Altman, expressed surprise at the speed of events. OpenAI explained that with the departure of Sam Altman from his top position, Mira Murati will take over as the new interim CEO . Murati has been a mechanical engineer at OpenAI since 2018 and has led significant projects, such as Dall-E.

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