Open enrollment! Bucaramanga Mayor’s Office offers more than 500 higher education scholarships

Inspenet, May 25, 2023 The Mayor's Office of Bucaramanga, in Colombia, opened the call for sisbenized students in categories A, B and C to apply for one of the 515 higher education scholarships offered by this government institution.
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Inspenet, May 25, 2023

The Mayor’s Office of Bucaramanga , in Colombia, opened the call for sisbenized students in categories A, B and C to apply for one of the 515 higher education scholarships offered by this government institution.

The beneficiaries of these scholarships will study technical, technological and professional careers free of charge. It is important to indicate that there are 12 programs that are being offered in eight universities.

«We will exceed 2,600 scholarships during our government; three times more than the previous one”, pointed out Juan Carlos Cárdenas, mayor of the Santander capital.

“We open this call so that young people have the opportunity to access higher education. The requirements are to have presented the ICFES tests (in 2021 or 2022), a diploma and degree certificate from an official educational institution of the municipality, and a Sisbén IV certificate,” explained Martha Luz Mantilla, leader of the Ministry of Education.

Registration will close on June 16 and on Wednesday, July 5, the Ministry of Education will publish the results with the selected beneficiaries.

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Bucaramanga is committed to university education: Learn about the universities and programs available

Comfenalco Santander University Foundation – Technology in Tourism Management and Local Development.

Research and Development University – Professional in Systems Engineering and Electronic Engineering.

Open and Distance University – Technology in Software Development and Technology in Pharmacy Regency.

Politécnico Gran Colombiano -Professional Software Engineering and technology in Tourist Guidance.

Universidad de Santander-UDES – Professional in Occupational Therapy.

Technological FITEC – Professional Technician in Billing, Health Services Portfolio and Technology in Administrative Management in Health Services.

Manuela Beltrán University – Nursing Professional.

Tecnológica del Oriente – Occupational Health and Safety Professional.

Step by step: How to apply for higher education scholarships in Bucaramanga

Enter the Bucaramanga Mayor’s Office page:

Select the transparency and access to public information section and then procedures.

Select education.

There the option Call for Higher Education Scholarships 2023 will appear. Select that content.

You will be redirected to another page, where you will find some documents at the top, please read the content and proceed to the registration (Terms of Reference – Programs Offered).

If you are interested in any of the programs offered, select the Register option, at this point you must create a username and password to enter the form. There, fill in the personal data requested and when finished, select the ‘save’ option. Here the system automatically takes you back to the previous page.

Now select ‘Login’, enter your username and the chosen password, where you will find a document with terms and conditions.

Review the document and accept the terms and conditions before starting the registration.

Finally, fill in the data on the registration form and attach the requested documents, please verify that all attached documents are legible and complete. Check them out and save!

At the end of the process, you are nominated for one of the 515 100% scholarships. Remember that you can only make one registration, for this reason, it is important to consult the terms of reference of the program and the university.

Source : Mayor of Bucaramanga

Photos :Shutter Stock

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