On the Inspenet Wall you will find information about END

By: Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 26, 2022. Inspenet, network of knowledge and professional connection, invites you to visit the Wall, there you will find everything related to the new trends in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).
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By : Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, September 26, 2022

Inspenet, network of knowledge and professional connection, invites you to visit the Wall, there you will find everything related to the new trends in Non-Destructive Testing (NDT).

At the Inspenet Wall, you will learn about Ing. Carlos Álvarez, tutor who teaches the Non-Destructive Testing Diploma: Uses and applications in the Oil and Gas sector, endorsed by the Sartenejas Technology Park of the Simón Bolívar University.

Also, on the Wall there is information on new technologies, equipment, devices and materials used in NDTs, the role of technicians, qualification and certification processes, among other interesting topics.

Visit the Inspenet Wall, share experiences, knowledge and ideas, go to: https://inspenet.com/inspenet-wall/

Photo: Inspenet

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