Oil tanker runs aground off the coast of Cayman Brac

Government officials commented that the tanker will be granted permission to leave Caymanian waters and head to a nearby shipyard for final repairs.
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Sea Elephant, el buque petrolero encalla

After delivering diesel fuel to Cayman Brac on July 6, the tanker ran aground on the Grand Cayman Coast. The Cayman Islands Department of Environment and Coast Guard Authorities reported that temporary repairs have been made to the damaged hull. It is now at a safe anchorage point, where the necessary work is being carried out before it is allowed to return to international waters.

Oil tanker runs aground off the coast of the Cayman Islands

Representatives of the Maritime Authority of the Cayman Islands (MACI) indicated that further assessments are essential to verify the effectiveness of the interim arrangements. These inspections will decide if further repair work is required. Subsequently, any additional arrangements will be reviewed and approved by a MACI inspector.

In addition, government officials commented that, should the Sea Elephant be confirmed fit for international navigation, it will be granted permission to leave Caymanian waters and proceed to a shipyard selected by its owners for final repairs.

Finally, it is important that during the grounding incidentas well as in the subsequent operations, no fuel or oil spills into the sea were reported. Currently, the Department of Energy, along with CICG and MACI, continues to investigate the incident to determine the causes and prevent future occurrences.

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Source and photo: Cayman Compass

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