Oil stomps again in Tierra del Fuego with the company Roch

By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, April 13, 2022 The Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego returns to search for oil after four years of inactivity, thanks to new explorations by the company Roch. The provincial governor, Gustavo Melella, stressed that Tierra del Fuego is "one of the strongest oil provinces in the country."
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By: Dr. Franyi Sarmiento, Ph.D., Inspenet, April 13, 2022

The Argentine province of Tierra del Fuego returns to search for oil after four years of inactivity, thanks to new explorations by the company Roch. The provincial governor, Gustavo Melella, stressed that Tierra del Fuego is “one of the strongest oil provinces in the country.”

The oil company is working on drilling two wells, one with an important horizontal section, designed based on a new technology for the region, although it is already used in the Vaca Muerta area, where there are hydrocarbon deposits with an area of 30,000 square kilometers.

The company has been carrying out exploration tasks as well as oil and gas production for 30 years. Although it also maintains operations in the province of Mendoza, its greatest potential is centered on the three fields it operates in the southern basin of Tierra del Fuego: the Cullen River, Las Violetas and Angostura.

“Tierra del Fuego is positioned as one of the strongest oil provinces in the country, which gives us the possibility of proposing more and new projects related to the production of hydrocarbons, also contributing added value,” said the Fuegian governor, Gustavo Melella, via Twitter after a visit, together with provincial authorities, to the deposits located north of Río Grande.

Along the same lines, the Secretary of Hydrocarbons, Alejandro Aguirre, stated that efforts are being made to reach agreements to improve the situation of Tierra del Fuego in terms of economic development and productive growth.

The company emphasizes that the excavation of this type of well marks the development of an activity with strong potential. If the operation is successful, it would mean the drilling of many others and this would impact employment, creating jobs, which would impact the income of the province.

“Oil activity in the province can be a very important engine,” said the president of Roch, Ricardo Chacra, who stressed that Tierra del Fuego “is very rich in oil,” a resource that “you just have to be able to find.” .

Roch is a company of Argentine origin founded by Chacra in 1990 and since then has maintained several oil and natural gas prospections in Argentine territory. In 2020, with the COVID-19 pandemic as one of the negative factors, the company went into default but, already in 2022, it announced new investments.

The company had not returned to search for oil in Tierra del Fuego after 2018, but in November 2021 it announced a new investment of 13 million dollars.

In any case, Tierra del Fuego does not lose sight of renewable resources. Aguirre admitted that “the world is turning towards the energy transition, for the transmissions produced by hydrocarbon activity in the world.” In this sense, he announced that “the possibility of developing renewable energy and producing new clean energy fuels” is being analyzed.

Source Sputnik World : https://mundo.sputniknews.com/20220413/four-years-after-oil-vuelve-a-pisar-fuerte-en-tierra-del-fuego-1124359429.html