Oil spill in Changi stopped, MPA reports

The spill has not affected maritime traffic, and the MPA will continue to monitor the area to ensure the safety of maritime operations and the natural environment in the region.
Derrame de petróleo en Changi, en el buque Ines Corrado

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore ( MPA ) has reported an oil spill that occurred on October 28 during a bunkering operation between a Bahamas-flagged bulk carrier and a licensed tanker off the coast of Changi, Singapore.

Waste control measures in the event of an oil spill

The incident occurred at around 17:40, and was quickly contained by the MPA’s immediate response maneuvers and collaboration with government agencies. Patrol vessels arrived at the scene at around 17:50, and dispersants were applied to the water to reduce the environmental impact of the oil spill.

According to experts’ estimates, around five tons of oil were spilled during the operation. Despite this, the spill has been controlled, and no more oil has been sighted in the area since then. Malaysian authorities have also been alerted to keep an eye out for any traces of oil in the region.

As an additional measure, a containment device known as a ” Current Buster ” has been deployed off the coast of Changi to capture any oil that may appear. The MPA has announced that it will investigate the incident in order to implement improvements in bunkering practices and minimise the risk of future spills.

The Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore ’s swift response reflects its commitment to environmental protection and its ability to work in coordination with local and international agencies in emergency situations.

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Source and photo: MPA