Unusual! OceanGate (Titan company) intends to host humans on Venus

Inspenet, August 11, 2023. After the incident with the Titan submersible, the company does not give up and now OceanGate has an ambitious plan in mind: to take a human colony of 1,000 individuals to Venus, one of the most inhospitable planets in the solar system.

Inspenet, August 11, 2023.

After the incident with the Titan submersible, the company does not give up and now OceanGate has an ambitious plan in mind: to take a human colony of 1,000 individuals to Venus , one of the most inhospitable planets in the solar system.

In a recent interview with “Insider”, Guillermo Söhnlein, one of the co-founders of OceanGate, has revealed his new project called Humans2Venus . The goal of this project is to establish a colony in the atmosphere of Venus to house 1,000 people by the year 2050 .

The ambitious idea of ​​OceanGate

Although less ambitious compared to Elon Musk’s proposals to colonize Mars, where he seeks to bring a million people, the OceanGate initiative faces unique challenges due to the planet’s extreme conditions. Söhnlein argues that recent research has identified a strip in the Venusian atmosphere with temperature and pressure conditions more similar to Earth’s, which would allow a floating colony to be established .

The proposal does not involve bringing humans to the dangerous surface of Venus, which would be completely unfeasible with current technology due to the planet’s extreme conditions. Instead, the idea centers around establishing a human presence in its orbit . The executive considers it feasible to create an orbital station some 48 kilometers from the Venusian surface, thus providing a suitable environment for a human colony to settle and prosper.

Venus has increasingly captured the attention of astronomers and is often called the “brother” of Earth due to certain similarities in age and composition, despite their marked differences. Some scientists have proposed manned missions to Venus for the purpose of exploring its orbit and deploying drones and atmospheric probes.

It is important to note that while the average temperature on the surface of Venus is around 462° Celsius, this figure changes in its atmosphere. At higher altitudes, temperatures drop to levels that could be tolerable for human life, ranging from 0 to 50° Celsius. According to the OceanGate co-founder, this circumstance could allow the existence of liquid water.

“Another argument used by Söhnlein to support his proposal focuses on the ability of Venus to shield itself from solar radiation. The interaction between ultraviolet light from the Sun and the dense atmosphere of the planet generates a magnetic field that acts as a protective shield. This field deflects the particles towards the solar system instead of allowing them to penetrate Venus.

However, it is important to recognize that Venus is an extremely toxic environment, which has positioned it as one of the last places considered viable by scientists to support life or establish a human colony. Its dense atmosphere is made up of corrosive and poisonous elements, which would imply the need to design a space station capable of resisting compounds such as sulfuric acid present in clouds.

Despite the challenges and some doubts that may arise due to the incident with the Titan submarine, Söhnlein continues to defend his vision of a possible significant advance for humanity, urging not to underestimate this opportunity.

Source: https://elcomercio.pe/tecnologia/actualidad/cofundador-de-oceangate-responsable-del-submarino-que-implosiono-quiere-establecer-una-colonia-humana-en-venus-noticia/?outputType=amp